At Signature Dental Group, we strive to treat gum inflammation and provide preventative measures for a beautiful smile. Your oral health is our top priority!
Periodontics is a dentistry field that emphasizes the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of gum (periodontal) disease. Periodontists specialize in utilizing the latest dental techniques to treat gum disease effectively.
You may have gum disease if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms.
Bleeding gums
Tender gums
Loose or shifting teeth
Discolored teeth
As you come in for a consultation, your periodontist will examine your mouth, teeth, and gums. A small probe may be used to measure the spaces between the teeth and gums, as well as x-rays to analyze your gum line.
You must be provided with the best dental care possible to treat periodontal disease. While our general dentists can manage some dental needs, people who exhibit advanced periodontal problems sign might need specialized care. Our team of specialists personalizes your treatment options best suited to your needs. Contact us today to learn more!