Teeth Whitening

Restore your pearly white smile with our in-house treatment.

Teeth Whitening

Over time your teeth can get yellowish or stained due to various reasons like:

  • If you consume pigmented drinks like coffee or wine, it can change your teeth's enamel color.

  • If you are an avid tobacco consumer, these things can leave brown stains on your teeth.

  • Over time the outer enamel of your teeth can get thin, exposing the yellowish dentin beneath.

  • Your teeth color might also change due to sudden trauma.

  • Some medicines can also cause tooth darkening side effects.

One of the most common cosmetic procedures being done today is professional teeth whitening. By using the high-tech Zoom Teeth Whitening system, your teeth will look better than ever. Teeth whitening done by your dentist is both safe and much more effective than home whitening products. Discover new confidence in your smile with the Zoom Teeth Whitening system.

Advantages to the Zoom Teeth Whitening System:

  • Customized
  • Used during Sleep
  • Powerful Bleaching Gels
  • Refrigerated for Freshness

Teeth Whitening in Delray Beach FL: Illuminate Your Smile Aesthetics

At Signature Dental Group, we understand that the brilliance of your smile can have a significant impact on your overall appearance and self-confidence. Our skilled dentists specialize in teeth whitening, a transformative procedure that effectively lightens the shade of your teeth, resulting in a more vibrant and dazzling smile.

The Zoom Teeth Whitening System works by allowing your teeth to absorb oxygen, dissolving stain molecules. First, your dentist will take a mold of your teeth so that custom-fitted trays can be made for your teeth. The Materials are then taken home, where patients wear their whitening trays with gel for up to two weeks during sleep. If used properly, the system can lighten your teeth by nearly 16 shades.

Schedule today with your Dentist in Delray Beach! Call (561) 276-6684

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